Thursday, November 4, 2010

An exercise in spontaneity

At Vinces request this vacation was a totally unplanned, unscheduled adventure -adventure for Vince, exercise in stress management for me. You see, I am my father's daughter. I don't go anywhere without doing the research first. I like to plan, map out, schedule and otherwise beat out the spontaneity of even the must relaxing of vacations. So, I was convinced to set aside the plans this once and "see what happens." No, prior research, no mapping out the best route, no hotel reservation - yes thats right - no hotel reservations.  This was going to be a whole new experience for me and I wasn't sure that I would actually survive.

Day 2 started and we woke up early for breakfast, and then headed up the Massachusetts coast, thru New Hampshire with the vague goal of making it into Maine by evening.

We found some of the cutest villages, quaintest homes, most beautiful views and even a medieval castle overlooking the ocean that we spent most of the afternoon exploring. All of this accomplished without a plan or agenda. I was thoroughly surprised!

This really was the most relaxing of days, I never knew how enjoyable and refreshing spontaneity could be.


Corrie said...

Rissa, we must have been separated at birth! I too am my father's daughter and I would have just gone nuts not planning anything. I am so proud of you! Matthew tells me all the time that not every moment of every day has to be planned. And now I have a 6 year old that has to know the plan for each day when she wakes up and she has been doing this since she could talk! Poor girl, there really is no hope, and I think it gets worse with each generation! So glad you posted again and that you were able to go on vacation!

Mama Quiz said...

Wow, Rissa I am so proud of you!!! See Vince has some very good qualities, a little like his mother in law! Now if only you can teach your dad to relax!! Sounds like your vacation was fantastic, can't wait to see more photos!!