Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Don't Forget

Looking back on 2008 there is just about nothing in it that I had planned for, nothing that was expected, and many things that seemed like a disaster - and the first week of 2009 does not seem to bring any promise of change. As I have been sharing these concerns with God I have slowly been given a loving response. A response that comes in the form of reminders of the miracles He has performed in 2008. I know that in looking back on 2008 I have focused on the disappointments and not on the prayers that were answered after the disappointments occurred.

How is it that we can do this -forget the miracles that God performed in the past when we are faced with a new miracle-required situation? It seems at every turn this is what I am being told "don't forget, don't forget." I go to church and the pastor reminds me "don't forget," I read a blog and I am reminded, "don't forget," I read the Bible and I am reminded, "don't forget," I get a phone call and am reminded, "don't forget," my husband reminds me of a miracle we saw last summer and I am reminded, "don't forget."

So, I am trying my hardest to not forget - to remind myself of the things that God has done, to thank God for the things that He has done and to ask that He give me faith to believe that He is able and willing to do the same for my here and now. This is much easier said than done, because the here and now is so much louder in my mind than the past. It is often able to drown out the voice saying "don't forget." But, I am waiting and remembering and praying, and as I do this the here and now is slowly quieting and the stories of God's faithfulness are taking their place of prominence in my mind.

If you are reading this and you, like me, are facing miracle-required situations then let this be your reminder to "not forget." And in remembering God's faithfulness, may His peace that passing all understanding guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus as you enter this new year.


Koko Quiz said...

thank you Lorissa for this post. We have already started this year with changes unexpected... this was a perfect "don't forget" reminder.

Mama Quiz said...

This is a great word for all our family. As we see the loss of jobs and homes, we must remember that God's plan for us isn't based on the economy. I believe He's already working behind the scenes, and has prepared the right place for each of us. After all, we're His. We have given up our rights (for home, friends, jobs...) and are called to follow. We're praying for you both and the rest of the family.

Mama Quiz said...

Thanks Rissa, we will keep remembering His faithfulness!! Love and Prayers,

Corrie said...

Thanks Rissa! Seems like we all needed to hear this, brought tears to my eyes. Last year brought many changes for us and was one of the hardest yet for me. This year is bringing even more changes that I feel I am not ready for but I need to remember to "not forget" how He has provided. Thanks for helping me!