Friday, December 5, 2008

"It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas"

So, I'm liking the Christmas Carol titles for posts...I wonder what song to use next? Hmmm, maybe I will just have to leave you all in suspense - check back later and see if your guess was right.

After bringing the tree home, Vince and I started the fun decorating process. We started a fun tradition when we got married that any time we visit a new place we will buy a Christmas ornament for our tree, that way our tree will be filled with memories and not just random decorations.

So far we have collected quite a few. Jamaica, Cancun, Santa Barbara, Solvang, Jackson Hole, Yellowstone, Idaho, and most recently Seaside and Astoria, Oregon. We still need to pick up some from San Francisco, LA, San Diego, Seattle and Ohio (we hare a little behind on the shopping...).

I think everyone needs to have traditions for Christmas - otherwise it's just another day. Traditions like listening to Christmas music and eating cookies while you decorate the tree. Drawing names after Thanksgiving and trying to keep it a secret until Christmas morning. Grandma's clam chowder for Christmas Eve, and cinnamon rolls for Christmas breakfast. Or staying up all night Christmas Eve to help Mom wrap all the presents that are hidden in her closet. Hopefully this year no one will have to wrap their own present....Lyndsie is still upset about that one!

I tried to start a tradition last year - Christmas pajamas and slippers to open on Christmas Eve...I thought it would be cute, who doesn't like a new pair of pajamas? Well, apparently Vince thought the pajamas I picked out for him were hideous...and he only just got up the nerve to tell me this year. Oh well, I guess I've got to come up with a new idea real quick! I'll let you know how it goes in about a month.


Rachel Lynn said...

Get him some pajamas with the feet attached. I have a pair.. I'll mail up to yah.. ;) Then he'll love everything you buy him from that point on.

Karla Quiz said...

Love your tree! I really want J and I to cut our own down.hmm maybe one year we can drive up there (what a trip) and buy it there. ; ) then you can make your brother some cinnamon rolls that he ramps and raves about! Also I would like you to make 10000 extra so when he wants one I can pop it in the oven for him and he can think I make it! he he

Ps. PLease give me the recipe I'm your sister already I deserve to know!! LOL

Pss Come to SF and pick up your ornament and this time we will go into the city and go ice skating instead trying and me peeing on my leg!


this is more like a letter than a comment hope thats OK

Mama Quiz said...

Your tree looks good! You moved your couch, you now have a fireplace!! Nice!

jasonquiz said...

OMG I almost cried laughing thinking about Lyndsie wrapping her own present and the look on her face when she opened it the next morning. Eat your heart out MasterCard that was priceless.